What is a Golf Ball Drop?
It is a raffle, where donors “buy” a golf ball for a chance to win one of 10 prizes if their ball goes in the hole (or is closest to the hole).
Golf ball purchasing has ended. The Golf Ball Drop has been rescheduled for Wednesday, November 16 at 8:00 am.
Where? – South Lakes Golf Course and LIVE on TFI’s Oklahoma Facebook event page. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT TO WIN, but we encourage you to join us via our Facebook LIVE. Link here: Fostering Holiday Joy Golf Ball Drop 2022 | Facebook.

Rules & Regulations
1. If a ball falls into the designated hole during the drop it will automatically be considered the winning ball. If two or more balls fall into the designated hole, this will be considered a tie. In the event of a tie, the golf balls involved in the tie will be randomly drawn for the appropriate prize. If no balls fall into the designated hole, the balls that are closest to the hole will win. Distance to the hole is measured by the closest point of the ball to the rim of the hole, as determined by the judge, Steven Mandeville – Fund Development Specialist for TFI. If two or more balls are equidistant from the hole, this will also be considered a tie.
2. In the event of any dispute in the contest, the contest judge will rule and the judge’s discretion is final and incontestable.
3. Any person under 21 years of age on the date of the contest is ineligible to play.
4. Every donor will be listed with their corresponding ball on this page the day before the drop.
5. The winner need not be present to win. In the case of inclement weather, the drop will be rescheduled and new time announced on TFI’s Facebook page as well as this website.
6. TFI Family will not withhold taxes from the winnings to be paid to the Federal Government. The winner will need to claim these withholdings as taxes withheld and the winnings as income. TFI is not responsible for State or Federal Taxes.
For more information or questions, contact Steven at smandeville@tfifamily.org