Nobody puts it better than Dr. Seuss in his well-known quote – “To the world, you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world.” This is true for all human beings, but particularly applies to some of the most vulnerable in our society – foster children.
The idea of fostering a child in one’s home can be overwhelming, maybe even terrifying. But if you look past all the perceived hurdles and barriers, breaking the concept down to the most basic component, it is downright lovely. The whole point of being a foster parent is to give a child a chance at living his life to the fullest.
It Can Start With You

Near the lake. Nice positive man and boy sitting on the tree root while enjoying beautiful nature
It truly takes just one caring adult – just one – to change the course of a child’s life. Enveloping a child in compassion, support and guidance today allows him to fare better academically and socially, setting him up for a future of success. While we tend to understand this logically and emotionally, there is actually science behind it as well.
The need is great. There are over 9,000 children in foster care in Oklahoma, and yet there are only 2,000 foster homes. You may not be in a place to accept a lifelong commitment, but your temporary contribution is just as vital. You could be the one to keep a child safe and nurtured while the search for a lifelong family is undertaken.
Find Out if You’re Qualified
Think you’re not qualified? Think again. There are many misconceptions about the type of person a foster parent should be. TFI Family Connections is not looking for “perfect” people. An imperfect past may actually make you a better, more understanding foster parent than those who have not overcome such challenges. You also do not have to be married or own a home.
We are looking for individuals between 21 and 55 years in good physical and mental health. You also must have enough income to cover your own expenses and be able to provide sufficient beds and bedrooms for additional children. More information can be found here.
Learn More About Your First Steps to Becoming a Foster Parent
The first step is to attend an orientation session. This is a casual group meeting where you will receive information about all aspects of the process and can ask as many questions as you want. The more informed you are and confident in your decision before taking on the commitment, the better. Please call 866-543-9810 to RSVP for the next session. TFI also provides services in Kansas, Texas, and Nebraska. More contact information is available on our contact us page.
Perhaps this is the year you help one of the thousands of children right in your own backyard needing a safe, nurturing home. Perhaps this is the year you make a huge difference in the life of a vulnerable child. You can be that one person.