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Welcome to the quarterly newsletter for TFI’s Kansas services and programs!


We believe keeping our community informed of what is happening in Kansas is important. In this issue, you will find the following:

  • Foster Parent Highlight – enjoy a look at some of our selfless foster parents.
  • Program Highlights – stay up to date on some of TFI’s initiatives in Kansas.
  • Staff Highlight – meet one of the individuals that make up our amazing staff.
  • By the Numbers – learn how Kansas is working to meet outcomes and goals.

Cheyenne and Elani Hoffman celebrated their first year of being licensed foster parents in Nebraska in March. In their first year, they provided respite for teenage brothers and a sibling set of four, then accepted their first placement of a little girl in the summer. Two months later, her newborn brother was placed with their family.

Cheyenne and Elani have identified developmental and medical needs – their experience as trained EMTs has certainly helped them in their fostering journey – and have advocated for the best outcomes for the children. Cheyenne and Elani are outstanding – and fun – foster parents. Between physical therapy and specialty doctor’s appointments, Cheyenne and Elani attend tumbling classes with their little girl weekly.


Grant Applications for Substance Use Treatment

TFI has submitted for significant grant funding for our substance use disorder (SUD) program that will enable us to serve our uninsured parents who need substance use treatment. There is a significant need for this as there are many barriers to accessing SUD services in the community. This program can provide telehealth treatment, allowing parents to secure employment and attend treatment easily if transportation is a barrier.

PMTO Services

TFI has partnered with DCF offices in several counties of Area 4 to provide Parent Management Treatment – Oregon (PMTO) services to families that have been identified at risk for removal without intervention. These families may not meet criteria for Family Preservation but need support. We are also collaborating with various Area 4 offices in Team Decision Making for those families at risk. The Kansas Clinical Department may be able to provide therapy services to maintain children in the home without the formality of Family Preservation or out-of-home placement.

Regan Botkin has been a Certified PCIT therapist for Grow Nurturing Families for four years. She is also currently working toward her PCIT Trainer Certification so she can train other TFI therapists to become PCIT certified. GNF awards a G.O.A.T. trophy every quarter to the team member who exhibits a TFI Value; their peers vote on this award. For the first quarter of 2024, Regan Botkin was awarded the G.O.A.T. trophy for Quality. Regan exhibits quality work in her documentation, services she provides to her families, and time spent guiding her peers on PCIT specific services.

As of March 8, 2024, TFI Family Services is providing services to 1,157 children in out-of-home placement, down 20% from the start of our case management contract in October 2019. We recognize the combined efforts of our teams, DCF, and other entities that have collaborated to reduce the need for foster care in Kansas. TFI is also serving 266 children and their families in aftercare.

Many state and federally-defined outcome indicators reflect the impact on youth and families served in the child welfare system. TFI has been successful in achieving a variety of program objectives, has demonstrated progress toward the achievement of others and continues to address challenges in other areas.

TFI values outcomes to guide our focus on what needs to improve and to recognize and capitalize on our strengths. This quarter, we would like to highlight our Area 4 (Southeast Kansas) service area: