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Below are some Frequently Asked Questions about becoming a foster parent:

Kansas FAQs

DCF sometimes uses this phrase to refer to foster parents, or individuals who are willing to care for children through foster care, legal guardianship or adoption.

A foster home is a temporary home for children needing out of home care due to abuse or neglect. Foster families provide a safe and nurturing home and are committed to working with birth families to reunite children with parents. In the event that a child does not return home, foster families may become the permanent caregiver for the child either through adoption or permanent guardianship.

Adoption is the permanent placement option for children who have been in foster care who cannot return to their parents’ home. Children are legally free for adoption only after the court has terminated the parental rights of the birth parents.

Children in Kansas state care range in age from 0 to 21 and frequently are part of a sibling group that must remain together. Some of these children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities ranging from mild to severe. The average age of a child in Kansas Foster Care is 9.3 years old.

You do not have to be married. Applicants may be married, single, legally separated, divorced, or in a domestic partnership.

Foster parents do not have to own a home. In fact, many foster parents rent their place of residence. Foster families must have a stable and verifiable income.

The training and licensure is provided at no charge. There are costs incurred in obtaining a physical. There may be upfront costs in ensuring that your home meets licensing standards by DCF. In certain cases, TFI may be able to assist with some costs.

Families have the opportunity to determine their preference when making a decision regarding placement. TFI will tell you everything we know about a child when we contact you about making placement. You may decline accepting placement of the child. TFI is child focused and our goal is to find families who will meet the needs of the children in DCF custody.

TFI provides a number of supports to ensure you have success with the children in your home. Some of the ways that we may support you include regular contact with agency staff, respite (as appropriate), ongoing training, support groups, assistance in locating child care for foster children, home visits, team meetings, phone consultation, and a formal process for sharing your concerns.

Foster parents are paid by TFI, and the payment is made on a monthly basis via direct deposit to your checking or savings account.

The daily and monthly rates begin at the below rates. The daily rate may be increased if the child meets specific criteria identified by the contracting agency.

Child’s age0-18Daily rate$20.00Monthly rate$360.00

The minimum age is 21. Regulations stipulate that the age of the foster parent and the oldest child be more than 5 years difference.

  1. Must complete 30 hours of TIPS-MAPP Training (Trauma Informed Partnering for Safety and permanence Model Approach to Partnership in Parenting), or 21 hours of TIPS-DT Training (Trauma Informed Partnering for Safety and permanence Deciding Together)
  2. Applicants must complete 3 hours of First Aid Training (must be in person training)
  3. Applicants must complete Medication Administration and Universal precautions prior to licensure and renew each year.
  4. All foster parents must complete a minimum 8 hours of continuing in-service training per calendar year on subjects that promote their skills and interests as providers.

Intensive or Intensive Plus foster homes work with children with special behavioral needs through behavioral modification techniques in their home. The behaviors are such that the child cannot safely stay in a family foster home. Intensive or Intensive Plus foster homes require additional intensive training than traditional foster homes. There must be at least one trained parent available to the child 24 hours a day. Intensive Plus homes have the same requirements with the exception of an in home family therapist component. This service must be in place to be considered an Intensive Plus Foster Home.

Nebraska FAQs

Individuals who become licensed to provide in-home care to a child or children placed in the custody of the state. This can include kinship and adoptive placements as well.

A foster home is a temporary home for children needing out of home care due to abuse or neglect. Foster families provide a safe and nurturing home and are committed to working with birth families to reunite children with parents. In the event that a child does not return home, foster families may become the permanent caregiver for the child either through adoption or permanent guardianship.

Adoption is the permanent placement option for children who have been in foster care who cannot return to their parents’ home. Children are legally free for adoption only after the court has terminated the parental rights of the birth parents.

Children in Nebraska state care range in age from 0 to 19 and frequently are part of a sibling group that must remain together. Some of these children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities ranging from mild to severe.

You do not have to be married. Applicants may be married, single, legally separated, divorced, or in a domestic partnership.

Foster parents do not have to own a home. In fact, many foster parents rent their place of residence. Foster families must have a stable and verifiable income.

The training and licensure is provided at no charge. There can be costs incurred in obtaining a physical. There may be upfront costs in ensuring that your home meets licensing standards by DHHS. In certain cases, TFI may be able to assist with some costs.

Families have the opportunity to determine their preference when making a decision regarding placement. TFI will tell you everything we know about a child when we contact you about making placement. You may decline accepting placement of the child. TFI is child focused and our goal is to find families who will meet the needs of the children in DHHS custody.

TFI provides a number of supports to ensure you have success with the children in your home. Some of the ways that we may support you include regular contact with agency staff, respite (as appropriate), ongoing training, assistance in locating child care for foster children, home visits, phone consultation, and a formal process for sharing your concerns.

Foster parents are paid by TFI, and the payment is made on a monthly basis via direct deposit to your checking or savings account.

The daily and monthly rates begin at the below rates. The daily rate may be increased if the child meets specific criteria identified by the contracting agency.

Child’s age0-18Daily rate$20.00Monthly rate$360.00

The minimum age is 21.

  1. Must complete 30 hours of MAPP Training (Model Approach to Partnership in Parenting).
  2. Applicants must have 3 hours of First Aid Training (must be in person training)
  3. Applicants must complete Medication Administration and Universal precautions prior to licensure and renew every two years.
  4. All foster parents must complete a minimum 12 hours of continuing in-service training per licensing year on subjects that promote their skills and interests as providers.

Intensive foster homes work with children with special behavioral needs through behavioral modification techniques in their home. Intensive foster homes require additional intensive training in order to handle the higher needs of children placed at this level of care.