Food Insecurities in Foster Children…
Summertime can be a hard time for children who don’t have access to school lunches. When children are not fed reliably, must compete for food, or do not get enough food, this can lead to an anxious relationship with food and can also lead to foster children hoarding food when it is available to them.
If you are struggling with a new foster child who is hoarding food due to past food insecurities, we have some ways to support them on this:
- A ‘yes box’ of food can be filled with simple shelf-stable snacks like popcorn, pop tarts, granola bars, etc. so a child can learn to regulate as he/she feels comfortable.
- Consider getting some sealable containers, putting snacks in them, and storing them in the child’s room. The child will likely hoard, so this way you can eliminate shame and prevent pests.
- Have a printed schedule of snacks and mealtimes so the child always knows when they will eat next.
- Allow the child to help pick out meals or snacks so they have control over their food.
It can take a while for a child to overcome food scarcity. In the meantime, be patient and give the child the tools to overcome it!!

Kansas Care Provider

Monte White
Monte White is our new teen boy home in Parsons. He was interested in helping one kiddo, but he needed to help keep another local youth closer to his siblings and family. Monte is making an impact. The placements he has had in his home are thriving!
Monte has built up his support system, he provides structure, and a family environment. He enjoys teaching them to cook and helping them expand on their independent living skills. Monte is a strong role model for the young men in his home, he praises them and lets them know he is there for them when there are slight setbacks.
He wants to let them know they will always have someone (him) in their corner. Monte stated, “He knows how important it is to be a father figure when needed.”
Nebraska Care Provider

The Smith Family
Carroll and JoAnn Smith joined TFI in March as a Kinship Foster Family. Carroll and JoAnn are amazing as they go above and beyond to do whatever they can to best meet the needs of their children.
Carroll and JoAnn involve their children in many camps, sports, and activities to help them feel like any other kid. JoAnn and Carroll have a lot of love and care to give to the children in their care!
Oklahoma Care Provider

The Villars
Shon and Rachel Villars provide an excellent, loving, and nurturing environment continually, and it is extremely important to them to keep siblings placed together in their home to decrease the amount of trauma for children as well as maintain that connection for them.
They desire to provide care for older children due to the significant need for teen providers. Shon and Rachel work as a team to provide all the children in their home with guidance, involvement in all the children’s activities, transportation to and from all sports, and excellent assistance with their education.
The children in their home are thriving and making great strides with their education. The Villars family is 100% dedicated to family which includes all children placed in their home; they include them in all they do. It is inspiring to see Shon and Rachel interact and nurture the children in their care.
Texas Care Provider

Teresa Lane
Teresa Lane took in her great niece and nephew, Hunter, and Layla, as a kinship placement in October of 2021. She became licensed to adopt with TFI in January 2023. After waiting patiently for a year and a half, she could finally adopt both children on June 8, 2023.
Teresa has managed the conservatorship of Layla’s and Hunter’s older sibling and has had him in her home since he was 6 weeks old. She has stated that she is beyond happy she can be their legal mother and is going on a getaway trip soon to celebrate the adoption.
As a family, their favorite thing to do together is go on camping trips. They all love being outside and enjoying nature. They love fishing, hiking, and just spending quality time together.

TFI Oklahoma partnered with the Tulsa Drillers baseball team to host a free evening of food and entertainment during the recent power outages in Oklahoma. The Drillers recognized TFI as the Community Spotlight Organization. Allowing recruiters and foster care workers to show appreciation for foster parents and talk to prospective families.
TFI Texas teamed up with McDonalds restaurants to share flyers with each meal purchased. this has been an excellent opportunity for agency awareness and recruitment of new foster parents.
TFI Kansas recently partnered with Eagle Nest, Inc. to sponsor a free roller skate night for the public at Mian Street Skate in Winfield KS. With a big crowd and several families learning about foster care, this event was a huge success!

June is National Family Reunification Month
This year, TFI celebrated National Reunification Month by displaying a pinwheel for each child reunified with their family through the TFI Family Services’ Case Management program last year. The pinwheel represents the child, and yellow represents the joy of family reunification. Celebrating these families brings a smile to all our faces!

Please join us on July 19th in Abilene, TX to meet and learn about local providers and resources that support children and families in Taylor County.

Kindness for Kaden is a charity event memorializing Kaden Bauswell, whose life was unfortunately taken by gun violence at 15. Kaden was such a giver and took pride in helping others, which is why his family continues to help others each year in his honor.
This year, Kindness for Kaden wants to help TRAIL install a professional clothing closet for TRAIL residents to utilize whenever they need professional attire. TRAIL is a program through Pathway that helps teenagers who are aging out of foster care. It sets them up for independent living and their journey into adulthood.
To buy a specific item for the youth of TRAIL, follow the QR codes or click here.
Sweet summertime! With the heat, our events tend to slow down but we get to have some time to talk with donors and build relationships.
We’re diving into planning for the fall and preparing ways to help kids receive support for back-to-school items. We want to hear from you! Please reach out if you have ideas for creative ways to get kids the resources they need.
We hope you have a great summer and have some downtime with family – please don’t hesitate to reach out to Steven or Sheila if you have any contacts, questions or fun stories of generosity.
Kansas/Nebraska: Sheila Kearney | 785-213-6161 |
Texas/Oklahoma: Steven Mandeville | 918-894-8727 |

Below are our foster parents celebrating a milestone anniversary as a TFI Foster Parent! We love having you as part of Team TFI!
26 years
William & Nancy Weigant
23 years
Betty Cockhearn
19 years
Orlando & Sheila Garza
Jesse & Barbara McCarley
13 years
Matt & Shelly Bradford
11 years
Jennie Copper (Steele)
Jesse & Kara Larimore
5 years
Christopher & Quinn Jacobs
Misty Snow
1 year
Ronald & Loretta Bailey
Joe & Michelle Cooper
Acy & Taylor Downs
Rhett & Holly Dubiel
Stuart & Melissa Funk
Samuel & Ashton Gray
Matthey & Savannah Gustin
Ronald & Jackie Hale
David & Melinda Loera
Micheayla McClain & Morgan Commodore
Kenneth & Lorrie Newton
Jeremiah & Jennifer Overall